So I'm going to Halloween in Athens this weekend and I'm kind of nervous. It is a big deal there and I don't really have the money to go all out. But I bought some boots, and I'm hoping that they will last me this winter so it wasn't a complete waste of money, even though they were on sale.
The picture on the left is who I am being, I'll try and take some pictures of me dressed up, but I probably won't look too much like her because I am so short and I don't have red hair.
I know none of you really know anything about Metal Gear Solid(the game she is from) but Drew is going to be Solid Snake, the main character in the game. I think it is an awesome idea, even if I have been nay saying from the begining.
But yeah, I am really stressed because of school and I'm hoping this will take my mind off things without putting me too far behind.
Drew is having a tough time with school too, but no worries, he'll make it work. I will update again soon, I kinda like this thing...
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