Monday, October 29, 2007

Somewhere That's Green

Yeah, my sister rules...
I tried to upload the video, but after an hour of saying it was uploading it failed, so I give up

but I'd have to say I'm pretty much jealous to say the least.

I'm working on a paper right now and Lauren hasn't sent me the pictures of Halloween yet, but I'll put them up as soon as I have them.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Stupid Camera

So I was going to have a bunch of cool pictures of Halloween for you, but... my memory card keeps messing up and deleted all my pictures. I wanted to cry, for serious. Lauren is going to send me some pictures of Drew and I, so I'll post them soon.

Thursday, October 25, 2007


So I'm going to Halloween in Athens this weekend and I'm kind of nervous. It is a big deal there and I don't really have the money to go all out. But I bought some boots, and I'm hoping that they will last me this winter so it wasn't a complete waste of money, even though they were on sale.
The picture on the left is who I am being, I'll try and take some pictures of me dressed up, but I probably won't look too much like her because I am so short and I don't have red hair.
I know none of you really know anything about Metal Gear Solid(the game she is from) but Drew is going to be Solid Snake, the main character in the game. I think it is an awesome idea, even if I have been nay saying from the begining.
But yeah, I am really stressed because of school and I'm hoping this will take my mind off things without putting me too far behind.
Drew is having a tough time with school too, but no worries, he'll make it work. I will update again soon, I kinda like this thing...

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

I Just Wanted to Fit In...

I thought that my siblings bolgs were cute, and I hate myspace, so I decided to make my own so that people can know whats up. I'm at school in Ohio University-Chillicothe right now... and well it's kinda boring.

I had never stayed anywhere more south than Columbus for longer than a few days and I'd have to say, it's a whole different world. I miss the hustle and bustle of New York City, the culture of Chicago, the way Cleveland always felt like home. There is NOTHING going on here like that, and Columbus is the "cream of the crop" here, and I have avoided that city like the plauge for being so full of itself, but right about now, Columbus wouldn't be so bad.

When I said nothing was going on, that was a lie, there is a Pumpkin festival going on in Circleville...
I have to resist with all my might not to go.