Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Bed, Bath, and Beyond Homesick

So I'm into my second week here in the VA and I am getting sooo homesick. From minute to minute I'm fine, but the instant I sit down and relax all I can think about is getting home.

I am enjoying my job though. I picked everything up pretty fast, and I generally don't make terrible mistakes, but yesterday, I was not feeling well and I had closed the night before and was there until 1 a.m. and I was the first one to leave! Everyone was all stressed because the district managers were there. Luckily, Rosa was there to keep me calm, and Dave visited when Rowie and I went on break. Overall it is a great job and I like my little apron. This is me before fixing myself up to be in public, it's pretty gross, and my exhaustion shows. I closed the night before, and two nights before that, and I close everyday this week...

yup, pretty gross, be home soon:)

Monday, December 10, 2007

Sweet home....Virginia?

So I came to Virgina to see Rosa's play, and let me tell you, it is pure amazing. She is so good and the play is hilarious. The only change in my plans in that I decided to stay here and get a job woth Rosa at Bed Bath and Beyond. I start tomorrow :) I will be coming back for Christmas with Rosa and Dave. Wish me luck, see everyone soon

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Quarter one is finished!!

So the grades came in, and the suspense is over. Here's my report card!

DSI 111 H02 SIGN LANGUAGE I ..............................A
ENG 152 H01 WRITING AND READING ......................A-

GPA --3.902
Congratulations! You have made the Dean's list for this quarter.

The underlined part is the cool stuff, I am really excited. I thought you would all be happy for me too.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Finally Settled

So after a week of staying place to place and never being able to unpack, I am settled into Julie Scherma's humble abode. It's not home by any means, but it's a bed and I can finally stop living out of boxes. Sorry I haven't really gotten a hold of anyone, I have been either trying like crazy to find a place to stay for the night, or trying like crazy to find a job, I should know soon what the dealio is with Urban Outfitters, and if that doesn't work out I have to try plan B. Just giving an update, I feel like crap, I'm sick, and I'm sick of being panicked all the time, but it should be OK soon. But what do I know? aaaaanyway, despite my current feelings everything is all good and is looking up. I love everyone, see you soon.

Friday, November 23, 2007


So, I'm sorry that I didn't get ahold of everyone on thanksgiving, especially you Dad. I meant to call everyone but I guess I am just a lazy bum. So I'm sorry everyone.
But yeah, the Ohio girls had fun. Instead of slaving all day over a hot stove to make turkeys we decided to make pizzas in the shape of turkeys. We had alot of fun and I hope you enjoy the pictures:)

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Athens, day 4

So I have been
here since Saturday, and it's been fun. It was really exciting because on Saturday our friends from Lakewood payed us a visit. Needless to say I was almost in tears because I missed them soooooo much. We had a really nice time and went to the abandoned insane asylum near the school. It's HUGE, we went there for Halloween too and it was cool but it was night and I had no sense of scale. Then we went the other day and it was just so cool. The first picture is only Less than half of 1 of the 8 or so wings in total. We got into the old abandoned TB ward and got some pictures. These are some of my favorites that Drew took.

Yeah, kinda creepy. That girl is our friend from home, Betsy.

The door on the right was in the children's wing, for the children who were sick, this was their play area. Overall it wasn't that scary, a little eerie feeling, but not overwhelmingly so. I was just kind of upset that it had been so damaged by kids going in and painting and writing stupid things on the walls, oh well.

Anyway, since then we haven't really done anything. Drew has been studying for his finals, and no one is really ever around unless they are studying. The good news is I found a place to stay for the break and hopefully a job too. My friend Julie Scherma offered me to stay at her place for the break, and I can stay in her sister's room. It's on Hilliard in Westlake so I'll be near where mom works so I can get her car while she's there if I need it. That should work out really well.
Alright, I'll keep you guys updated, love you.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Last day in Chillicothe

I'm leaving for Athens tomorrow in the morning! My friend Whitney is heading there for the weekend and is taking me with her, I will be staying with Lauren, my friend from high school until the 21st, when Drew's mom(or dad) will be coming and getting us. Yay! I can't wait to go home, wherever that may be.
I think I did well on all my finals, but I won't know for like another week or so. I know I got an A on my English final, I'm almost positive I got an A in TCOM, I know I got at least a B on my DSI final, and I'm just hoping I got a good grade on my art final. Woo! I'm pumped.
The only bad news is, I went to sign up for classes today at like 7, and the online registration was closed for the day, bummer. And when I checked on all of my classes to see if I could still get in, the anthropology class was full...not cool.
But instead of taking public speaking, I switched my psych class with a sociology class, and put the psych where the anthropology was.
Take that Public Speaking!

New Schedule
Monday + Wednesday
3:10-5:25 Psych 101
5:30-720 DSI 112

3:10-5:25 Soc 101
7:30-9:20 TCOM 486

I'll be making it official tomorrow, hopefully
Everyone in Cleveland, I'll see you soon!! YAAaAy!!

P.s. What are we all doing for thanksgiving?

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Who ever said you wouldn't need a grappling hook at college?

Yes, it is true. A grappling hook has officially been used at OU, by Drew of all people.
I had to post it cause it just astounded me. So here's the scoop...
Some drunk kid comes back to Jefferson Hall, where a tired Drew(it's about 2:30 a.m.) and a few people are hanging out in the study lounge. There is a bike in the corner of the room, that belongs to one of the girls on the 3rd floor. The kid proceeds to throw the bike out the window(with no reason) to the 2nd floor roof. And one of the R.A.'s calls the cops.
To keep everyone out of trouble, a few of Drew's friends lower him to the balcony, using Drew's Grappling hook, to retrieve the bike safely.
Wow, who would've guessed.
Aaanyway on the bright side, I have arranged my winter quarter schedule. I can't make it official till Nov. 8th, but I have it planned out and hope all goes well. Here's what it looks like:

Monday + Wednesday-
1:10-3:25 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
5:30-7:20 DSI 112

Tuesday + Thursday
3:10-5:25 Intro to Psychology
7:30-9:20 TCOM 486

Drum roll please...
Bringing me to a grand total of 19 credit hours, geeze.

The Anthropology class is almost full, so I hope I get in. Otherwise I have to take Public Speaking, which I really don't want to take.
That's all my news except Nov. 7th is my last day of class, well hopefully. I will be done with all of my finals except for one by then. I'm hoping the teacher will let me take the final early, because if not, I won't have any classes and I would just have to sit around till the scheduled test date of Nov. 14th!!! That's a whole week I would have nothing to do, which would stink.
I guess we will just have to wait and see!
Oh yea, I was drinking chocolate milk today and I just randomly thought about the song "Cigarettes and Chocolate Milk" and it's been stuck in my head all day. So I listened to the All Night Yahtzee version on YouTube, man that was a good trip:)

Monday, October 29, 2007

Somewhere That's Green

Yeah, my sister rules...
I tried to upload the video, but after an hour of saying it was uploading it failed, so I give up

but I'd have to say I'm pretty much jealous to say the least.

I'm working on a paper right now and Lauren hasn't sent me the pictures of Halloween yet, but I'll put them up as soon as I have them.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Stupid Camera

So I was going to have a bunch of cool pictures of Halloween for you, but... my memory card keeps messing up and deleted all my pictures. I wanted to cry, for serious. Lauren is going to send me some pictures of Drew and I, so I'll post them soon.

Thursday, October 25, 2007


So I'm going to Halloween in Athens this weekend and I'm kind of nervous. It is a big deal there and I don't really have the money to go all out. But I bought some boots, and I'm hoping that they will last me this winter so it wasn't a complete waste of money, even though they were on sale.
The picture on the left is who I am being, I'll try and take some pictures of me dressed up, but I probably won't look too much like her because I am so short and I don't have red hair.
I know none of you really know anything about Metal Gear Solid(the game she is from) but Drew is going to be Solid Snake, the main character in the game. I think it is an awesome idea, even if I have been nay saying from the begining.
But yeah, I am really stressed because of school and I'm hoping this will take my mind off things without putting me too far behind.
Drew is having a tough time with school too, but no worries, he'll make it work. I will update again soon, I kinda like this thing...

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

I Just Wanted to Fit In...

I thought that my siblings bolgs were cute, and I hate myspace, so I decided to make my own so that people can know whats up. I'm at school in Ohio University-Chillicothe right now... and well it's kinda boring.

I had never stayed anywhere more south than Columbus for longer than a few days and I'd have to say, it's a whole different world. I miss the hustle and bustle of New York City, the culture of Chicago, the way Cleveland always felt like home. There is NOTHING going on here like that, and Columbus is the "cream of the crop" here, and I have avoided that city like the plauge for being so full of itself, but right about now, Columbus wouldn't be so bad.

When I said nothing was going on, that was a lie, there is a Pumpkin festival going on in Circleville...
I have to resist with all my might not to go.