So I am back at school, good ol' Chillicothe. THE PHONE IS STILL BROKEN SO DON'T TEXT ME, CALL ME. But yeah it is good to see everybody again but there is a natural home sickness. So much has happened but yet I never know how to put it into words when I sit down to tell everyone. Well, I'll start with before I left. After that terribly bad week I went to Kent again and had an amazing time. I was so glad to see all of my friends before I left. We just had so much fun, it's hard to explain, it was wonderful and I miss it. This was just a really random sign in Kent.

These are some pictures from different points in the summer. This is Brett, Christie, Danielle(barely), and Steve. We were waiting for our turn to get in on some soccer action.

Libero and Jeff getting into some soccer.

Sammie, Kevin, and Jimmy also playing a little soccer.

So these next two pictures need explaining. One night I was sitting alone by myself at 1 in the morning and I thought to myself 'I wonder what Shannon is doing?' so I called her and turns out she couldn't sleep either. So we went to 'my friends', a 24 hour diner, and after two hours or so there and another driving in the metro parks we decide to go to downtown and watch the sun rise. It was really beautiful and we had a lot of fun.

Shannon scaring some birds/running around

Ah and this is the wonderful Frosty Dog everyone heard so much about. I loved this job and it was always so much fun. I will miss getting visits from Cece and hanging out with my cool co-workers.

These are pictures of a show that I went to in Kent. Lauren and I were standing on the couch trying to get a better view...

Which we got.

My camera malfunctioned but it took a really cool picture, I thought.

This is from that same show. This was during Brett's set. You can feel the love between him and Rich. I love this picture.

Ah, Shannon and Keith's back hanging out at Phoenix Coffee.
Those are some of the highlights but there were so many other good pictures and so many other good times it would be hard to fit it into a post. Well like I said, I'm back in Chillicothe and so far so good. We play ultimate Frisbee like we did with soccer at home. I have a lot of fun, and I'm trying to convince them to play some soccer as well :)
Well I don't know I start school in two days, yay!
This is interesting, I have a video of the person I wanted to go to the protests at the democratic national convention to see getting arrested. Keep in mind Dave is not a violent person so he did not put up a fight. I doubt he did anything illegal. So lame, he's the last guy in the clip.
Poor Dave oh yeah, I forgot that I always impose my music on everybody. I like this song a lot and I'm cool so you should listen to it. click on the link and scroll down on the list of songs, it's the last song
Mr. Miller's OpusBy: Endless Mike and the Beagle Club
I wear the same clothes for days at a time.
I've got the weight of a washing machine on my mind
with the whole world bouncing around inside of it.
And as I talk about doomsday and bands,
I'm letting the chance of a lifetime just slip through my hands
and land on the floor by the bed that I'm lying in.
I'm having trouble with sleeping again.
I turn to the stack of books that all my friends recommend,
but I can't even focus on the lines,
let alone what's between them.
So I surrender and watch some TV
and just feel ashamed of myself for giving into complacency,
breaking the two packs a day mark days ago.
And I finally paid off the van
then I bought a new car with better gas mileage than the van got
but I know I'm financing a war fought for greed and bravado.
I know where my taxes go while my taxes know nothing about me.
My roommate's boyfriend's a nice enough guy
but still I dread when he's here and I have to say "hi"
even though our conversations never go on much beyond it.
I don't know when I first got this way.
I think that I used to be someone with something to say,
but for the first time in my life,
I feel more lonely than anything.
Because I know people my age with children
and I know people my age with husbands and wives,
even more people my age with high paying jobs,
even more people my age with miserable lives.
So it's they that I take shelter under
and let laundry nor loan payments ever put asunder
but help me stay happy inside of these four smoke-stained walls,
waiting for someone to call,
as I'm waiting to just disappear.