So I'm into my second week here in the VA and I am getting sooo homesick. From minute to minute I'm fine, but the instant I sit down and relax all I can think about is getting home.

I am enjoying my job though. I picked everything up pretty fast, and I generally don't make terrible mistakes, but yesterday, I was not feeling well and I had closed the night before and was there until 1 a.m. and I was the first one to leave! Everyone was all stressed because the district managers were there. Luckily, Rosa was there to keep me calm, and Dave visited when Rowie and I went on break. Overall it is a great job and I like my little apron. This is me before fixing myself up to be in public, it's pretty gross, and my exhaustion shows. I closed the night before, and two nights before that, and I close everyday this week...

yup, pretty gross, be home soon:)
Only a couple more days of enduring the job (and us!). You can dooo eeeet!
I miss you, Julie! I'm sad not having you around at the end of the day. I guess I'll just have to get Baja Blast from Taco Bell by myself at 1 am...
yep, you look sleeeeeeeeeeeeepy!
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