Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Recovery Week
Once again my body has felt the brutality of Athens's wrath, and I considering wearing an 'anti injury bubble' to protect myself. I tried really hard not to get hurt because of an incident with a brick wall the week before, but I failed. I was doing so well and then out of nowhere I start getting all cut up out of nowhere. First, I was working on a car with Drew when one of the tools fell down onto the battery shelf. I had the smallest hands to get to the tool and in the process of getting it, I jot a cut on the top of my left hand. Later, we were all sitting outside and Eric wanted to break a glass bottle on the brick wall and couldn't do it. So, in my natural fashion I showed him up by breaking the bottle on the first try. But in the process of doing it I hit my knuckle on the brick wall and took a chunk out of my pointer finger. If that wasn't enough later ran outside really quick to grab something without shoes on and as a joke Eric gave me a little push. When he did this I stepped directly on some other broken glass. I didn't think my foot got cut cause it didn't hurt at first. Then a couple minutes later I thought to myself "why is it wet everywhere I step?" Sure enough there is a gash on my foot that you could fit a quarter into and it was bleeding like crazy. Needles to say there was blood everywhere and the cut was so deep if I pushed on my foot I had a sort of "puppet" that I could make talk :) Luckily it didn't hurt until the next day when I had to walk around a lot. Anyway, there is a ton of drama going on in Chillicothe that I am not going to get into. But Athens is surprisingly docile at them moment. All in all I am doing well, a little tired, but good none the less.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Doing Good Deeds
So lately I have been feeling selfish and self centered and have been trying to think of ways to give to people rather than receive. I was feeling a little bit discouraged because I have been having a rather strange week and I haven't been feeling the best. But anyway tonight I finally found a way to help somebody.
I went silent bowling with my ASL class, we try to go once a month and I went and had alot of fun signing and bowling it up. While I was there is saw someone eating Wendy's and I thought to myself "I don't care if I'm a vegetarian, I want a JBC and I will get one!" So at around 11p.m. we finish bowling and I drive over to Wendy's to get said cheeseburger. While I was ordering a man approached the car behind me, and it was obvious he was asking for some kind of help. I also saw he was with a pregnant woman and a little girl. So after I got my food I pulled around and asked them if I could help them in any way. The man said yes, their car had broken down about 6 or so miles away and they had been walking all day trying to find some help. They were from Atlanta, Georgia and were up in Columbus visiting the Woman's Dad who was really sick. They were on their way back when their car died. They asked for a ride to Wal-mart to get some money for a hotel room or find another ride because not only did their car die, the woman's purse was stolen the day before and they had no bank card. I call her a woman because she is a mom-to-be, but she was actually only 18!! That could have been me sitting in a Wendy's parking lot confused in Chillicothe, Ohio. So instead of dropping them off at Wal-mart, I took them to the local hotel and I payed for their hotel room and gave them some money for food, and since they hadn't eaten all day, I gave the little girl my JBC and she smiled and said thank you. So I didn't get to break my Vegetarian-ness but I feel really good. Not like I need a pat on the back good, More like it has been so long since I have helped somebody who needed it because of my selfishness and it felt nice to step outside of myself for once. So I hope Steven, Sarah(i think), Steven's daughter Whitney, and their future child well and I hope they get back to Atlanta alright.
I went silent bowling with my ASL class, we try to go once a month and I went and had alot of fun signing and bowling it up. While I was there is saw someone eating Wendy's and I thought to myself "I don't care if I'm a vegetarian, I want a JBC and I will get one!" So at around 11p.m. we finish bowling and I drive over to Wendy's to get said cheeseburger. While I was ordering a man approached the car behind me, and it was obvious he was asking for some kind of help. I also saw he was with a pregnant woman and a little girl. So after I got my food I pulled around and asked them if I could help them in any way. The man said yes, their car had broken down about 6 or so miles away and they had been walking all day trying to find some help. They were from Atlanta, Georgia and were up in Columbus visiting the Woman's Dad who was really sick. They were on their way back when their car died. They asked for a ride to Wal-mart to get some money for a hotel room or find another ride because not only did their car die, the woman's purse was stolen the day before and they had no bank card. I call her a woman because she is a mom-to-be, but she was actually only 18!! That could have been me sitting in a Wendy's parking lot confused in Chillicothe, Ohio. So instead of dropping them off at Wal-mart, I took them to the local hotel and I payed for their hotel room and gave them some money for food, and since they hadn't eaten all day, I gave the little girl my JBC and she smiled and said thank you. So I didn't get to break my Vegetarian-ness but I feel really good. Not like I need a pat on the back good, More like it has been so long since I have helped somebody who needed it because of my selfishness and it felt nice to step outside of myself for once. So I hope Steven, Sarah(i think), Steven's daughter Whitney, and their future child well and I hope they get back to Atlanta alright.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
New ipod!
Yeah, you know it, I have a new ipod nano. As you all know I haven't been in the best of moods lately and thanks to dad, I now have a new lease on happiness. Not that material items fix all your problems, but it definitely didn't hurt. I wanted to post a picture of it but my phone won't send me the message because of poor service in Athens. Well it is beautiful and I pimped out my little box that it came in so I can protect it in style:) I will post a picture as soon as I can but in the meanwhile, I can't.
Before I left for Athens I did update the pictures of my painting. It's coming along well, but my teacher absolutely hates me. Not with and intense feeling of loathing or anything, but she really doesn't like my unconventional and quite odd painting style. She likes the product, but not the process. Anyway, I am not really enjoying this painting anymore because of all the guidelines. She actuall ythreatened to dock me points if I didn't listen to her advice, thats kind of discouraging. Oh, well.

Well, there's my progress. At least I don't completely suck...
Before I left for Athens I did update the pictures of my painting. It's coming along well, but my teacher absolutely hates me. Not with and intense feeling of loathing or anything, but she really doesn't like my unconventional and quite odd painting style. She likes the product, but not the process. Anyway, I am not really enjoying this painting anymore because of all the guidelines. She actuall ythreatened to dock me points if I didn't listen to her advice, thats kind of discouraging. Oh, well.

Well, there's my progress. At least I don't completely suck...
Friday, April 4, 2008
I'm feeling utterly worthless
So this is the first week of 10 that I will be isolated here in Chillicothe once again and it has dragged out so long.I have 4 classes, Poli Sci 150, Soc 210, Basic painting, and DSI 113. The Soc and Poli Sci class are very similar in nature. Soc is called "Contemporary Social Problems" and Poli Sci is called "Current World Problems" But they are different enough to make me not want to drop one. This week has gone by at an alarmingly slow rate. Today, I woke up at like 11 and from 12 to 7:30 I worked on a painting for my art class. We had to do research on the difference between pattern and motif, so then we had to create our own nonrepresentational motif and turn it into a pattern. So I was making this pattern/painting all day. The terrible thing is, I didn't even put paint on it until 5:30. It is a pattern design and I decided to get really anal and make everything exact. So I started painting and then I was all "Wait...How do I want to paint this?" so I have my design all drawn out and some white paint strategically placed in areas I will make lighter.

And here is the motif that I am turning into a pattern.

It doesn't look like much but I will update on the progress.
The reason why this week has been dragging on so much is the fact that Drew has not answered a single one of my calls in the past 5 days. I have talked to him twice for around 15 minutes and then I feel weird and get off the phone. He sometimes answers my texts and will promise to call, but he simply hasn't. I mean I'm not obsessive or anything, and I've tried to give him some space, but being straight up ignored is killing me. I've had one or two of my calls ignored every once in a while, but this hurts so bad. I mean to just be ignored and treated like an annoyance is one of the most offensive things I have ever had done to me. So that is why I feel worthless. I was actually ok with it for a couple days, just to you know, cool off. But now my wits are gone and my anxiety has taken over. So I'm alright, just kinda hurt right now. (p.s. don't hate Drew or anything, I'm not just complaining about him. That's just the only other thing that has been going on and it's on my mind so I posted it. But yea, don't hate him.)
Hope everyone is doing well and I'll get back in the habit of updating more.

And here is the motif that I am turning into a pattern.

It doesn't look like much but I will update on the progress.
The reason why this week has been dragging on so much is the fact that Drew has not answered a single one of my calls in the past 5 days. I have talked to him twice for around 15 minutes and then I feel weird and get off the phone. He sometimes answers my texts and will promise to call, but he simply hasn't. I mean I'm not obsessive or anything, and I've tried to give him some space, but being straight up ignored is killing me. I've had one or two of my calls ignored every once in a while, but this hurts so bad. I mean to just be ignored and treated like an annoyance is one of the most offensive things I have ever had done to me. So that is why I feel worthless. I was actually ok with it for a couple days, just to you know, cool off. But now my wits are gone and my anxiety has taken over. So I'm alright, just kinda hurt right now. (p.s. don't hate Drew or anything, I'm not just complaining about him. That's just the only other thing that has been going on and it's on my mind so I posted it. But yea, don't hate him.)
Hope everyone is doing well and I'll get back in the habit of updating more.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Not this again!
Yes, It seems like just yesterday I was sitting at home and the most important thing I HAD to do all day was to tell Lynn about the dream I had last night. Anyway I am back at school and am feeling lame. I wanted to come back so bad, but once I got here it is like "man I don't want to do this again" oh well, just wanted to let you know I exist... again.
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