Thursday, April 17, 2008

Doing Good Deeds

So lately I have been feeling selfish and self centered and have been trying to think of ways to give to people rather than receive. I was feeling a little bit discouraged because I have been having a rather strange week and I haven't been feeling the best. But anyway tonight I finally found a way to help somebody.
I went silent bowling with my ASL class, we try to go once a month and I went and had alot of fun signing and bowling it up. While I was there is saw someone eating Wendy's and I thought to myself "I don't care if I'm a vegetarian, I want a JBC and I will get one!" So at around 11p.m. we finish bowling and I drive over to Wendy's to get said cheeseburger. While I was ordering a man approached the car behind me, and it was obvious he was asking for some kind of help. I also saw he was with a pregnant woman and a little girl. So after I got my food I pulled around and asked them if I could help them in any way. The man said yes, their car had broken down about 6 or so miles away and they had been walking all day trying to find some help. They were from Atlanta, Georgia and were up in Columbus visiting the Woman's Dad who was really sick. They were on their way back when their car died. They asked for a ride to Wal-mart to get some money for a hotel room or find another ride because not only did their car die, the woman's purse was stolen the day before and they had no bank card. I call her a woman because she is a mom-to-be, but she was actually only 18!! That could have been me sitting in a Wendy's parking lot confused in Chillicothe, Ohio. So instead of dropping them off at Wal-mart, I took them to the local hotel and I payed for their hotel room and gave them some money for food, and since they hadn't eaten all day, I gave the little girl my JBC and she smiled and said thank you. So I didn't get to break my Vegetarian-ness but I feel really good. Not like I need a pat on the back good, More like it has been so long since I have helped somebody who needed it because of my selfishness and it felt nice to step outside of myself for once. So I hope Steven, Sarah(i think), Steven's daughter Whitney, and their future child well and I hope they get back to Atlanta alright.


rosa said...

Wow. I know you're not asking for praise, but I just have to say that it is so wonderful of you to help them out. So selfless! I want to be more like you.

PapaParma said...

Thanks for sharing your experience.
Like Rosa said you are not looking for praise, but actions like yours go a long way in giving hope to the distressed, and allowing them to see there are good people around, willing to share the little they have, including a Cheesburger.

emily & david said...

you're so sweet. thanks for sharing. excited to see you!