Saturday, April 12, 2008

New ipod!

Yeah, you know it, I have a new ipod nano. As you all know I haven't been in the best of moods lately and thanks to dad, I now have a new lease on happiness. Not that material items fix all your problems, but it definitely didn't hurt. I wanted to post a picture of it but my phone won't send me the message because of poor service in Athens. Well it is beautiful and I pimped out my little box that it came in so I can protect it in style:) I will post a picture as soon as I can but in the meanwhile, I can't.
Before I left for Athens I did update the pictures of my painting. It's coming along well, but my teacher absolutely hates me. Not with and intense feeling of loathing or anything, but she really doesn't like my unconventional and quite odd painting style. She likes the product, but not the process. Anyway, I am not really enjoying this painting anymore because of all the guidelines. She actuall ythreatened to dock me points if I didn't listen to her advice, thats kind of discouraging. Oh, well.

Well, there's my progress. At least I don't completely suck...


rosa said...

I think it's a great painting! What's her problem with it?

And happy new ipod!!

PapaParma said...

I love your painings, may be they are just ahead of their time