Friday, April 4, 2008

I'm feeling utterly worthless

So this is the first week of 10 that I will be isolated here in Chillicothe once again and it has dragged out so long.I have 4 classes, Poli Sci 150, Soc 210, Basic painting, and DSI 113. The Soc and Poli Sci class are very similar in nature. Soc is called "Contemporary Social Problems" and Poli Sci is called "Current World Problems" But they are different enough to make me not want to drop one. This week has gone by at an alarmingly slow rate. Today, I woke up at like 11 and from 12 to 7:30 I worked on a painting for my art class. We had to do research on the difference between pattern and motif, so then we had to create our own nonrepresentational motif and turn it into a pattern. So I was making this pattern/painting all day. The terrible thing is, I didn't even put paint on it until 5:30. It is a pattern design and I decided to get really anal and make everything exact. So I started painting and then I was all "Wait...How do I want to paint this?" so I have my design all drawn out and some white paint strategically placed in areas I will make lighter.

And here is the motif that I am turning into a pattern.

It doesn't look like much but I will update on the progress.
The reason why this week has been dragging on so much is the fact that Drew has not answered a single one of my calls in the past 5 days. I have talked to him twice for around 15 minutes and then I feel weird and get off the phone. He sometimes answers my texts and will promise to call, but he simply hasn't. I mean I'm not obsessive or anything, and I've tried to give him some space, but being straight up ignored is killing me. I've had one or two of my calls ignored every once in a while, but this hurts so bad. I mean to just be ignored and treated like an annoyance is one of the most offensive things I have ever had done to me. So that is why I feel worthless. I was actually ok with it for a couple days, just to you know, cool off. But now my wits are gone and my anxiety has taken over. So I'm alright, just kinda hurt right now. (p.s. don't hate Drew or anything, I'm not just complaining about him. That's just the only other thing that has been going on and it's on my mind so I posted it. But yea, don't hate him.)
Hope everyone is doing well and I'll get back in the habit of updating more.


rosa said...

You are such a cool artist. I can't wait to see the finished product!

I have other opinions on this post, but I won't post them here. Just know that you are amazing and you deserve to feel that way.

Monica said...

I like your "motive" You are always your own worst critic, but we all love you.

Keep up the good work!