Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Recovery Week

Once again my body has felt the brutality of Athens's wrath, and I considering wearing an 'anti injury bubble' to protect myself. I tried really hard not to get hurt because of an incident with a brick wall the week before, but I failed. I was doing so well and then out of nowhere I start getting all cut up out of nowhere. First, I was working on a car with Drew when one of the tools fell down onto the battery shelf. I had the smallest hands to get to the tool and in the process of getting it, I jot a cut on the top of my left hand. Later, we were all sitting outside and Eric wanted to break a glass bottle on the brick wall and couldn't do it. So, in my natural fashion I showed him up by breaking the bottle on the first try. But in the process of doing it I hit my knuckle on the brick wall and took a chunk out of my pointer finger. If that wasn't enough later ran outside really quick to grab something without shoes on and as a joke Eric gave me a little push. When he did this I stepped directly on some other broken glass. I didn't think my foot got cut cause it didn't hurt at first. Then a couple minutes later I thought to myself "why is it wet everywhere I step?" Sure enough there is a gash on my foot that you could fit a quarter into and it was bleeding like crazy. Needles to say there was blood everywhere and the cut was so deep if I pushed on my foot I had a sort of "puppet" that I could make talk :) Luckily it didn't hurt until the next day when I had to walk around a lot. Anyway, there is a ton of drama going on in Chillicothe that I am not going to get into. But Athens is surprisingly docile at them moment. All in all I am doing well, a little tired, but good none the less.

1 comment:

rosa said...

Ouch!! I totally know that feeling though-- "why does it feel wet... ahh, BLOOD!"

You should see the battle wounds I get after packaging bridal gifts all day... you'd be suprised!