And now for my report on everything else.
I am doing pretty good in school right now. I am struggling with the audio class because of the imposing nature of trying to understand everything there is about sound. But I am just going to sit down with my book this weekend become one with the world of audio production. I am doing alright with my other classes, but I am now halfway through the quarter and that's when things start to get tough. I have a 10 page term paper due at the end of the quarter that I haven't even thought about. So if any of you have any ideas for a sociology term paper pertaining to social issues in our culture, let me know.
This weekend was Drew's b-day and Whitney drove me to Athens to celebrate. I got him a sweet b-day present, pulling my inspiration from the "Dave Brown's-Book of awesome ideas" and wrote out "the 19 things that remind me of Drew". It wasn't as awesome as I had hoped because of the lack of "moolah" but Drew loved it. So we sat around and talked and had a really nice time. But I was feeling a little down in the dumps, because I felt like no one besides Drew remembered or even cared about me in Athens. But that quickly changed when I walked into the house that Drew's B-day party was at.
I was ambushed, everyone yelled my name and proceeded to hug me,pick me up, and give me kisses on the cheeks. Drew's room mate Jeremy even put me on his shoulders and carried me around and I was giving everyone high-fives. I had no idea that people cared that much. All night one by one everyone came up to me specifically to tell me how much they missed me and that they love it when I'm around, it was a good feeling.
So I have been smiling ever since! Drew was nice to me, I feel loved, I feel like people care, I might be getting my first car. This has just been a very good week.
It is good to hear you had a nice weekend and you are smiling!
Best wishes for your dream.
To be fair, Rosa came up with the things she likes about me first. It was her idea. She actually hand-made me a little book when we were dating. Adorable.
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