...and no, I did not take it home. Why? you ask. Well of course the guys other car brokedown, and he politely asked if he could use my car till tuesday when his car gets fixed. Then he will drive my car to me. Of course! Leave it to me to catch another snag, but in general I figured a little compassion and patience never did anyone any harm. I gave him a down payment so he knew I really wanted it, and I have a little contract that we both signed to make sure there was no confusion. But I got to give it a test drive, which was good. It was great! it was the complete manifestation of beater with a heater! But for some reason, I felt connected to the car and just really liked it anyway. I get like that about inatimate objects, I feel like I know what they want, and this car looked like it wanted some love. And I kinda knew that we were meant to be. Even in it's decrepid state it had so much personality, honest!
Anyway, minus the ignition problem and the akward placement of the shifter(it's lower than I'm used to), it runs really strong, and still has a lot of life in it. It's got a bunch of new stuff under the hood, which makes up for the neglected inside. Which definately needs a womans touch, or something! It's pretty dirty, and it is lacking in the front speaker department(it looked like someone tried to put in new ones and never got around to it) But nothing a junkyard visit, a little saudering, and a seat shampooing won't fix.
This is the Valentine from my car...

I don't know, I'm either really inspired, or really dumb, and there is only one way to find out.
So your prayers have been working up to this point, so keep doin what your doin! I sure hope I'm not just dumb, but it feels alright, it feels like I'm making the right choice. Oh well, I can't wait till tuesday!
you are waaaaaaaaaay to into this car. However, I am excited for you; everyone needs at least one beater type car.
What? you don't like the valentine from my car? :)
The Valentine is hilarious.
I thought so :) it's a cute little car
I've been laughing out loud about the Valentine for the past five minutes. ahahahaha!
I love your car too. Maybe we can all go out sometime.
oh yeah, the car said it's down to chill with some home girls, fo' sheezy
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